
Sunday School

For ages birth through two years of age, please see Toddlin’ to Jesus section. On Sunday mornings, children ages three years through eighth grade attend classes to help them "Grow in Christ".   The three year-olds through third grade will meet in the music room at 9:15 am and then be excused to go to their classrooms at 9:30 am. The fourth through eighth grades will meet first in their classrooms at 9:15 am.  Our Sunday School classrooms are bursting with energy, excitement, and true Bible learning.  Each week students hear the Good News of Jesus' death and resurrection and are exposed to a substantial scope of Bible stories.   Our lesson time also includes songs, drama, crafts, games, optional snacks, and mission projects. The fourth grade through eighth grade teachers will escort their children to the Chapel for music at 10:00 am. These children will be dismissed from their music time at 10:15 am.  Sunday School is held year round, except on select holidays and other special church events.  Look in Reflections for further announcements.  For more information contact Kelli Kucera at 319-512-6789 or Marnie Schrader at 319-530-1563.

Memory Work

In building a strong foundation of faith for our children, we believe it is important to begin teaching some of the core components of the catechism at an early age.  These will be taught in the classroom, and we encourage parents to work on them at home as well.  At the end of the school year, children will have the opportunity to earn a special pin or ribbon to celebrate their memory of these important accomplishments.

What are the benefits to memory work?

  • We use memory work for our everyday experiences
  • Certain facts must be memorized for quick recall and retrieval
  • Memory can become part of our life and this memorized information can be internalized and become part of a student’s life patterns and belief system
  • Can assist students to think more sharply and utilize and apply information

Benefits of memorizing scripture passages, hymns, books, of the bible

  • When this is accomplished we can look up/quote scriptural sections easier
  • Selected scripture and hymns can be recited to give strength and encouragement in times of distress and pain
  • Reminds the students of their beliefs and provides strength to live accordingly
  • Has learning potential

What is Our Redeemer’s goal?  

Memory selections that:

  • Are carefully chosen on the basis of their meaning and value for living and sharing the Christian faith.
  • Correlate with the student’s moral and spiritual development and adapted to meet differences in memorizing ability.
  • Are taught meaningfully and enjoyably.
  • Are meaningfully applied to the life of the student.



The Lord’s Prayer

3 years

Psalm 119:105

4 years

Romans 6:23


John 3:16

1st Grade

The Ten Commandments

2nd Grade

Hebrews 4:16

3rd Grade

Proverbs 28:13

4th Grade

Apostle’s Creed

5/6th Grade

Matthew 28:19-20

Ephesians 2:8-10

7/8th Grade

Books of the Bible

2 Timothy 3:15-17

High School

Proverbs 3:5-6

Psalm 23

 On Sunday School Sunday the following classes will be reciting the following Memory Assignments to the congregation.

Birth through Kindergarten:

  • The Lord's Prayer

First Grade through Third Grades:

  • The Ten Commandments
  • Scripture that correlates with each lesson or unit.

Fourth Grade through Sixth Grades:

  • Apostle's Creed
  • Scripture that correlates with each lesson or unit.
  • Portions of Luther’s Small Catechism

Seventh through Eighth Grades:

  • The Books of the Bible, the Old and New Testaments

Note:  It is recommended that teachers and parents also learn the memory!

Small Group Ministry

Small Group Ministry

Mission Statement
To grow in grace, Using our spiritual gifts, Through good stewardship, For the benefit of the group, So that the body of Christ may be built up.

Like nothing else, Small Groups have the power to change lives. They're the ideal route to discipleship - a place where the rubber of Biblical truth meets the road of human relationships.

Small Groups are intentionally formed "communities of care" of 4-12 people that share a common interest and meet regularly in their homes around Scripture, prayer, service, and concern and support for one another.

Small Group Ministry (SGM) has been around Our Redeemer in some shape or form for many years. Small Groups emulate the following five characteristics:

  • Caring
    A small group provides an environment by which members in the group are cared for and nurtured by one another. This includes prayer support, phone calls, encouragement and resources that will help meet the group members' care needs.
  • Sharing
    A small group provides a friendly and supportive atmosphere where members can safely share joys and concerns, knowing that what is said will be treated with sensitivity and will be kept in confidence.
  • Praying
    A small group supports each other by praying with one another and for one another as a key part to the growth of relationships.
  • Growing
    A small group nurtures spiritual growth through time spent together in the Word, contributing to the growth and maturity of each group member.
  • Serving
    A small group selects service activities that benefit the church and the community. This strengthens group relationships while reaching out to others in need.

Leader: Denise Holida

Young Adults

Saved, Protected, Obedient, Transformed

If you are interested in being a part of or helping out with this group, please contact Aaron Mueller at

Leader: Aaron Mueller

Bible Study for Parents

Bible Study for Parents

New! Video-driven study called Parenting: The Early Years

So many parents are wondering, "Do I have what it takes to be a good parent?" A lot of times parents need help, but nobody likes to ask for help.

Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, the bestselling authors who have sold over one million copies of their books, present some things for the parents of young children in this video-based Bible study.

Now, this goes deeper than any technique of just getting kids to eat their broccoli and clean their room. It takes a Biblical approach into the traits parents want their children to have and what traits they want their children to see modeled in them.

On this six DVD series our team took their cameras into the homes of 20 families and captured real-life parenting moments. Some of these are funny moments and some are just completely honest moments that every parent can relate to.

Six Video Sessions for small group study:
  • Session One - Time
  • Session Two - Affirming
  • Session Three - Defiance
  • Session Four - Authenticity
  • Session Five - Worry
  • Session Six - Legacy

April 21 - May 26 Every Wednesday Evening 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
6 Week Study Child Care Provided

Bible Study for Women

Bible Study for Women

Beth Moore's newest Bible study is Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman. Going up against heavyweights bent on her destruction, Esther trusted God and landed a blow that saved her people. The Old Testament story of Esther is a profile in courage and contains many modern parallels for today's woman. Esther's destiny can be yours as you know more deeply the God who is in your corner.

Join Beth and the leaders from Our Redeemer in an in-depth and very personal examination of this great story of threat and deliverance. She peels back the layers of history and shows how very contemporary and applicable the story of Esther is to our lives.

If you've ever felt inadequate, threatened, or pushed into situations that seemed overpowering, this is the study for you. Just as it was tough being a woman in Esther's day, it's tough today. This portion of God's Word contains treasures to aid us in our hurried, harried, and pressured lives.

Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman
By: Beth Moore

Beth Moore wrote a Bible Study titled Esther: It's Tough Being a Woman. If you have ever attended one of her studies then you know that her target audience is women. This study was made for a woman. She even dedicated it to her two daughters. Before making the study she sent out an email asking woman what three things make it "Tough Being a Woman." During the study she shares her "Red Book", the responses to that email. Those responses, some very emotional, some funny are very relatable to any woman. This study is not a man bashing study like some might think, but rather a good look at what it means to be a woman. Our emotions, our need for a mother figure in our life, our insecurities, and even our feelings for other women are discussed. This study also contains homework for 5 days a week. The homework is only about 30 minutes to 45 minutes long depending on the student. During your homework you will generally stay in the Book of Esther. Some of the material you will read in other chapters is to reinforce the Book of Esther or to show some history behind the book (this is minimal). Over the course of this study you will gain some insight about yourself as well as others, and most importantly God. Overall this is a great Bible Study for any Christian woman of any denomination.

Bible Study for Men

Bible Study for Men

Join us for a Bible study that will meet for six times in the 2009-10 year.

Who Am I? What Am I Doing Here? These are the big questions that eventually confront every man. Usually the dual questions begin to nag in childhood. Aware of a wide universe and seeking to grasp his place within it, the child asks and wonders. The truth, of course, is that the questions do not go away with time. Perhaps the nagging can be quelled or covered with distractions and with rationalizations. But, eventually everyone must return to the questions of one's own existence and the reason for being. These questions refuse to go away. God has the answers.

This Bible Study will be held during the upcoming 2009-10 year. Your commitment would be attending six times. Join us for "Who Am I?" This study will be held at Our Redeemer.

Who Am I? What Am I Doing Here?
By: Dr. Joel D. Biermann

The universe, God's will, speaking the Christ story, true human fulfillment, God's Law, the point of it all-these are some of the ideas in Pastor Joel Biermann's explorative video Bible study. In six sessions, he takes us from the beginning to that place where, on the Last Day, we find our greatest realization as humans.

It's essentially about us being God's creatures, redeemed by Christ and restored through faith. Our role is to fulfill God's place for us within His creation.

God's Law involves the ordering and function of His creation throughout the universe. Our sin perverts our grasp and understanding of God's will for His creation.

Accepting that God is in charge in all things is not a popular idea among modern man. God's purposes will be accomplished and His creatures thrive best when living coherently within His design.

We are all here to do what God put us here to do. Though our vocations are many, church work does not supersede family responsibilities and other necessary obligations. We fit into God's creation and His scheme of things, not vice versa.

God's law is good, His will for His people is that they speak the Gospel message and share the life of Jesus Christ with others. Proclamation is paramount, not optional.

The Last Day fulfills God's will for the earth and its creatures; it doesn't conclude world history but redeems and restores this planet. The point of our lives is to live as God's creatures.

Adult Bible Study

Attending Bible study classes is extremely important in the victorious and sanctified life of the Christian. By His spoken Word God made the heavens. By His spoken Word He brings and also keeps us in the faith. Christians who desire His blessing and help in life will read, mark, and inwardly digest the Word of God.

  1. But through scripture, the Holy Spirit works to mature us in our faith. The Holy Spirit works through the Living Word: For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart. Hebrews 4:12.
  2. Faith comes from hearing and receiving the Word of God: Consequently, faith comes from hearing the message, and the message is heard through the word of Christ. Romans 10:17.
  3. It serves to guide, correct, and encourage the faithful: All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work. 2 Timothy 3:16-17.

Types of Study
Throughout the year, the courses being offered either ground themselves in a study of a particular portion of scripture or a topical study that incorporates scripture. Therefore, courses will be designated either as scriptural or topical.

Course Schedule
This year's course schedule will be updated soon.

May God richly bless you as you spend time studying scripture and what it teaches!



Confirmation can be thought of as both the day, Confirmation Day, and the three-year class in preparation for the day. The day is a mature and public profession of the faith which "marks the completion of the congregation's program of confirmation ministry" and is held on Palm Sunday of the child’s Eighth grade year.

In preparation for full communing membership in the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, the 6th through 8th graders enter a covenant relationship with the Lord and His church. The purpose of the covenant relationship is to remind you of your special status as baptized children of God and prepare you for full membership in the church. It is expected that, upon your confirmation, you will partner with your parents and the other members of the church to grow in your relationship with God and the church. An important element of your spiritual growth will continue to come from regular attendance at worship and Sunday school, both during and after confirmation.

At Our Redeemer, the Confirmation class, the long and careful instruction, begins in Sixth grade.

  • Sixth grade – Biblical overview of the Old and New Testaments focusing on the metanarrative.
  • Seventh grade – Study of three chief parts of the Small Catechism:
  • Ten Commandments, Lord’s Prayer, and Baptism
  • Eighth grade – Study of three chief parts of the Small Catechism:
  • Apostle’s Creed, Sacrament of the Altar, and Confession.

Our Redeemer Kids (ORKS)

Our Redeemer Kids is a Ministry for 5th - 8th grade youth and their families. Our ministry tries to provide a safe environment in which to have fun while walking your faith journey with your Savior, Jesus Christ. In every activity we focus on creating a safe place to hang out and serve in Christian love. Every month of the school year there is an event that you can participate in besides attending weekly Sunday School and confirmation classes. As an active member of this youth group you are required to participate in two service activities a year and help out with our Peach Fundraiser. For more information please contact the Director of Youth Ministry, Kaja Mueller at 338-5626.

You are encouraged to participate in these fun fellowship and faith-growth events. All parents are encouraged to pick two events a year to help plan and participate in. This list is subject to change at our Monthly Youth Committee Meetings. More on Church calendar and in Beacon and Reflections:

  • Every Sunday Sunday: Bible Study
  • Every CFN: Wednesday Kids Club & Confirmation
  • 1st Sunday of Month: Youth Committee
  • August: Game Night Summer Stretch
  • November: District Lock-In (5th/6th) Confirmation Retreat (7th/8th required)
  • December: Advent Meal Christmas Program
  • January: King Party Ski Trip
  • February: Valentines Mission Lenten Meal
  • March: Roller Skating
  • April: Confirmation (8th) Confirmation Retreat (7th/8th)
  • June: Vacation Bible School Adventureland