Bible Study for Parents

Bible Study for Parents

New! Video-driven study called Parenting: The Early Years

So many parents are wondering, "Do I have what it takes to be a good parent?" A lot of times parents need help, but nobody likes to ask for help.

Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott, the bestselling authors who have sold over one million copies of their books, present some things for the parents of young children in this video-based Bible study.

Now, this goes deeper than any technique of just getting kids to eat their broccoli and clean their room. It takes a Biblical approach into the traits parents want their children to have and what traits they want their children to see modeled in them.

On this six DVD series our team took their cameras into the homes of 20 families and captured real-life parenting moments. Some of these are funny moments and some are just completely honest moments that every parent can relate to.

Six Video Sessions for small group study:
  • Session One - Time
  • Session Two - Affirming
  • Session Three - Defiance
  • Session Four - Authenticity
  • Session Five - Worry
  • Session Six - Legacy

April 21 - May 26 Every Wednesday Evening 6:30 - 8:00 p.m.
6 Week Study Child Care Provided