Loving Humankind

Charlie Brown’s young friend Linus made the mistake of confessing to his big sister Lucy that he wanted to be a doctor when he grew up. Lucy was astounded at her brother’s declaration. “You, a doctor! That’s a laugh! You could never be a doctor! You know why? Because you don’t love humankind!”

Young Linus immediately responded, “I do love humankind! It’s people I can’t stand!”

Linus’ comment may give us a chuckle. We find humor in it because we identify with Linus. Apart from the power of God’s Spirit working in us, our love for others is weak and shallow at best. But God calls us to love all people. His Word tells us to practice hospitality and show hospitality. But more than tell us, the Holy Spirit enables us to show love, show hospitality.

Whether we are doctors, carpenters, policemen, teachers, secretaries, or plumbers, we are to love those whom we work with as well as all people. God places us in different vocations where we can share God’s love. We are His instruments through which He works.

In his letter to the church in Philippi, the Apostle Paul wrote,

“For it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” (Philippians 2:13)

We are not left on our own.

God has a purpose, a plan, in mind for each of us. It is the time of year when many are graduating from high school and the child has to decide what career they would like to pursue in life. Like Linus, one might

consider being a doctor, but God may have a much different vocation in mind. We certainly need young men to consider pastoral ministry, and we have seen the importance of store clerks, school teachers, and emergency workers during this COVID-19 time.  No vocation is to be viewed higher or lower than another, we are called, regardless of where we are placed by God, to let His love within us overflow to others. You see, we are to show hospitality.

During this time when many are struggling, practice hospitality! Show forth the love of Christ!


Pastor Hartwig