Christ risen even in a chaotic world!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Christ is Risen!

I pray that you’re doing well during this incredibly unique time in many of our lives. Yes, nothing is normal, but
perhaps you’ve been able to get used to this “New (and Lord willing, temporary) Normal” or maybe you’re still
struggling. May God give us all peace and patience as some of us are going a little “Stir-Crazy”.

One thing that I know I’m thankful for is Stir-Fry. Rachel is a great cook and innovator in the kitchen. Often, I’ll find myself looking into the cupboard and thinking, “Man, there just aren’t enough things here for me to make a proper meal that I know how to make.” Which normally boils down to us being out of rice, beans, and chicken.  At that time, I normally throw in the towel and make a homemade batch of mac and cheese, cereal, and/or PB&J.

However, Rachel can see combinations of flavors and ingredients that I wouldn’t even think possible! She can look into a bunch of random vegetables and meats and decide to make something as wonderfully delicious as Stir-Fry!  Where I didn’t see connections, Rachel sees an opportunity. All these parts are put together, some heat is added, and a wonderful meal is made.

During this time of Quarantine, I think God is doing the same thing in our lives. You and I can see all the parts: Panic buying, toilet paper shortages, shut-downs, stay at home orders, nursing homes closed, people dying, online school, online church, and the list goes on. You and I look at these parts and think, “Nope. No thank you, I can’t make

anything out of this!” People can’t wait to close the door on this situation and open the doors of their homes and churches. Life feels like it has stopped to a dead halt. You might be feeling a little stir crazy.

God sees it a bit differently.

Yes, there is pain, heartache, even death. Yes, things feel like they’re changed for good. But our God is still in control, wide awake at the wheel. In the midst of this, God is putting together a list of different ingredients: families are spending more time together at home. Parents have chances to educate their children in the faith. Churches can still worship online. Leaders are put forward in a visible way for the people to pray for. People are making masks for each other. Neighbors are signing up to help pick up groceries for those who are unable to go shopping themselves. The Gospel is still being preached to the people of God. God is making something beautiful out of the struggles in our nation right now.

Christ is Risen!

The one who took all the sin, pain, and punishment which should have been ours. He took those ingredients and drank the gall of death.

And then He rose.

He made something new for you and for me.
He is Risen indeed, Alleluia!

In Christ,

Vicar Gonzalez-Feliciano