The Word


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Grace to you and peace from God our Father and our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Welcome to November—and Happy New Year! The church calendar resets November 29 with the First Sunday in Advent. Advent is a penitential time when we reflect on the… Read More»


Greetings in Christ our Savior! “What makes us content?” It is safe to say that many feel content when there are no financial concerns. We feel that, when we no longer have to stretch that paycheck to cover the month’s expenses but can splurge on some luxuries, we’ll be content.… Read More»


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The Peace of the Lord be with you! Yes, Peace. Even in this strange, anxious, anything-but-ordinary time: Peace. In an ordinary calendar year, students would be settling into their peaceful routines. In an ordinary calendar year, parents might enjoy a slightly quieter house.  In… Read More»

What A Year!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It sure has been a year to remember, hasn’t it? Before going out on Vicarage, I was told that this year would shape me in ways I couldn’t have imagined. Even then, I’m sure none of us saw something like the Coronavirus coming our… Read More»

Loving Humankind

Charlie Brown’s young friend Linus made the mistake of confessing to his big sister Lucy that he wanted to be a doctor when he grew up. Lucy was astounded at her brother’s declaration. “You, a doctor! That’s a laugh! You could never be a doctor! You know why? Because you… Read More»

Christ risen even in a chaotic world!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Christ is Risen! I pray that you’re doing well during this incredibly unique time in many of our lives. Yes, nothing is normal, but perhaps you’ve been able to get used to this “New (and Lord willing, temporary) Normal” or maybe you’re still struggling.… Read More»

Materialism vs Hospitality

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ – Last week, Kara and I were doing our weekly Friday grocery shopping. We usually hit the shopping “Bermuda Triangle” of Aldi’s, Costco, and Wal-Mart. It is the triangle where my money goes missing. And quickly too! Anyway, we were shopping and there was… Read More»


Greetings in the name of Christ, Our Redeemer! God’s Word, over and over, tells us to be not afraid.  The Prophet Isaiah speaks God’s Word: “Fear not, for I am with you always.  Be not dismayed, I am your God.  I will help you, strengthen you and uphold you with… Read More»

What a makeover!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ – The year 2020 is upon us, in fact, the first month is gone. Only eleven months to go, and that is so hard to believe. Since 2012 we have talked about the year 2020. We named the project Vision 2020. Yes, it was… Read More»

“Hindsight is Always 20/20”

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Happy New Year! Maybe I’m alone in this, but the year 2020 just doesn’t seem real. The phrase “hindsight is always 20/20” comes to mind as the new year rolls around. I think it’s really fitting as this year marks the end of a… Read More»