
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

We’re almost there! We’re almost to the greatest celebration in the Christian life: Easter!

It might not feel like it at the moment. This year, the entire month of March is covered in the penitential purple of Lent! And —oh, yes— there’s still that pandemic thing going on. Yet off in the distance, there’s a bright glimmer of what’s to come.

“I’m almost there!” My girls love that phrase. It’s sung in one of their favorite Disney movies, The Princess and the Frog. The ‘not-yet-princess’ Tiana sings that phrase as she slogs through one of life’s little ‘Lents,’ conditioning herself to work hard and achieve her dreams:

I don’t have time for dancing!
That’s just gonna have to wait a while.
Ain’t got time for messing around,
And it’s not my style.

 This old town can slow you down,
People taking the easy way.
But I know exactly where I’m going;
I’m getting closer and closer every day!

And I’m almost there!
I’m almost there.
People down here think I’m crazy,
But I don’t care.

Trials and tribulations,
I’ve had my share.
There ain’t nothing gonna stop me now
I’ve climbed the mountain
I’ve crossed the river
And I’m almost there
I’m almost there!

Yes, this world can get us down— I don’t have to list examples for you! “People down here” might even think Christians are crazy for holding onto hope in such a dark world. In the face of trials and tribulations, we might be tempted to retreat into despair—but we mustn’t! Instead, let life’s trials and tribulations become a time to discipline your bodies and souls for the great celebrations to come.

Lent is a great tool for this. Many Christians joyfully fast or abstain to remind their bodies “you are not the boss of me!” When we fast, we deny our body what it craves—whether it’s an extra hour of TV, video games, or that cookie staring at us from behind the cupboard. Fasting reminds us that sin still clings to us as we await the day when our bodies and souls will be fully free from bondage to sin.

Other Christians joyfully add an extra devotion to their schedule, to remain mindful of how they ought to respond to God’s callings: “Here I am!” These are all good practices. I encourage you to consider doing the same this Lent! Please feel free to reach out to Pastor or me if you have questions about Lenten practices.

Above all, keep in mind the truth: Jesus has already won the victory. No matter what happens in this world, we are assured of eternal life with Him because of His once-and-for-all victory over the grave. We’re almost there!

In Christ,
Vicar Stein