Farewell from Vicar Otterman

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I can’t believe it is already time for my family and I to depart back to seminary. This year has flown by. In some ways it feels like this is where I’ve always been, but in many other ways it feels like I am still just scratching the surface of getting to know the congregation here at Our Redeemer. We’ve been blessed in so many ways to experience the love you’ve given to us through your patience, encouragement, and generosity. I couldn’t have asked for a more supportive vicarage congregation. And for that, I want to say thank you. God continually shows His hand in our journey through seminary, with this year being one of the most obvious of all.

As much as I will miss being part of the community here, I am also looking forward to the next stage God is setting before me with all its mystery and newness. As my family and I continue our journey, Our Redeemer stands behind us as a continual reminder of Christ’s love manifested in this world, for we are indeed members of Christ’s one body, no matter to which end of the earth He may carry us. It’s a comfort to know that we remain brothers and sisters in God’s family no matter how much space and time stretches between us.

I can’t help but think of Paul in his letter to the Philippians, in which he rejoices over their fellowship in Christ. Even though as vicar I’ve been serving by preaching and teaching, it is plain to me that you have been my teachers in the faith far more, and so I make one last request of you. In Philippians, chapter 2, Paul urges them to work out their salvation with fear and trembling with the help of God, and he bids them to hold fast to the word of life so that in the day of Christ, he may be proud that he did not run in vain or labor in vain. As we part ways, I ask that this would be your prayer for me and my family, so that in the day of Christ, you may be proud that you did not labor in vain concerning us. This is a message of encouragement that should be shared among all Christians, and especially among those who have invested in each other’s lives of faith.

Keep our family in your prayers, knowing that you’ve played such a crucial role in our lives, just as we will be praying for all of you at Our Redeemer. Continue to bless your vicars the way you have blessed me. Encourage each other, and rejoice in one another, always remembering that we love each other because Jesus first loved us.

Vicar Joshua Otterman