Rejoicing in Reflections

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

As the month of May comes to a close, it feels like another significant transition is at our doorstep. School is almost out, and summer vacations are planned. For students and many teachers, it is finally time to take a breath, reflect on the past year, and pursue summertime activities. For me, it means the end of confirmation and certain Bible studies which followed the school year, as well as the upcoming season of Pentecost. Soon we’ll be back into the same season of the church year that we were in when I arrived last August.

Now it is time for me to take a breath and reflect on the last ten months during which I have had the privilege to serve and learn here at Our Redeemer. For the next two months I will take a little extra time to think back on all the lessons I’ve learned, the relationships that have shaped me, and the path down which God is guiding me.

And it is not just students, teachers, and vicars who can reflect as we shift into the summer. This is a time for all of us to take a moment and think about how God has been working in our lives over the last year. Has God set any particular people in your path? What are one or two spiritual lessons that have struck you this year? Have you learned anything new about yourself as one of Jesus’ disciples? How has the Holy Spirit been prodding you to shine the light of Christ to those around you?

In the midst of a busy life filled with responsibilities and activities, it is helpful to find these moments to breathe and think about our relationship to our Lord and what it means for us to be His hands and feet in the world.

Of course, just because we may have a moment to stop and reflect, that does not mean that we are at a loss for things to do. The next two months will be full of opportunities to work, play, and rejoice in the salvation that Christ won for us. From Christ Cares Sunday to UKANDU, the 4th of July Parade, the National Youth Gathering, and the Johnson County Fair, we have plenty of ways to serve and learn here at Our Redeemer. Personally, I am excited to experience everything this summer has to offer, and I look forward to rejoicing in the Lord with all of you during these last two months that I am with you.


Vicar Otterman