Vision 2020 Continues

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ –

Therefore, we show hospitality. At the beginning of September we introduced our theme for 2019-2020.  Yes, the year 2020.  It seems hard to believe. Back in the year of 2012 a steering committee was formed under the supervision of the Board of Directors.  This steering committee was given this charge:

  • To create a phased master plan to renovate and expand the facilities of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church by the year 2020.
  • To engage all the members of Our Redeemer Lutheran Church to dream about facility enhancements by early 2013
  • To complete phased work when 50% of the funds are “in the bank,” with the exception of the roof.

Þ To form sub-committees to handle certain tasks as needed to ensure success of plan by the year 2020.

Check.  Check.  Check.  And almost check.  There is one final committee that is working on the final touches of the HVAC system that was original to the 1969 addition.  They intend to have their project completed before 2020, and worst case scenario completed late spring of 2020.

All of this work, all of this planning, all of this preparation was done so that our facilities could be enhanced so that when we show hospitality, the facilities aid us in our intent.  We want our facilities to be an asset not a liability.

This summer and even this past week, I was asked by congregations how we as a congregation were able to be so planned and prepared in our facility program.  It isn’t a secret.  We were planned and prepared.  We carried the passion that whatever we did, it was going to be done to the best of our abilities. (Thank you to Gary Johnson who started this mindset and Dave Johnson who sustained this mindset throughout the whole program!)

Folks, we began this process in 2012, and as the year 2020 approaches, don’t be caught off guard.  We are not done.  One capital campaign (Immeasurably More) comes to a close and early in 2020 a second capital campaign (unnamed at this time) will begin.  We must pay off the 50% of this Vision 2020 project that is in a loan.

Furthermore, we begin the process all over again.  Within the next couple of years we begin the dreaming stage all over again.  We started in 2012 and by 2022 we need to be dreaming of what these facilities would look like in the next ten to twenty years.  This whole process starts over again.

Just like our vicarage program.  We do not get one Vicar and then say we are done.  Good!  One Vicar under our belt – nothing more to do!  Certainly not (Μὴ γένοιτο/ me genoito)!  This year Our Redeemer is training our 15th Vicar (see page 5 for the complete list of Vicars).  This weekend we have our second Vicar back to preach.  This congregation has trained and prepared many men for ministry, and each August 1 the process starts over.

Likewise, as the year 2020 quickly approaches we wrap up the first capital campaign, we prepare for the second, and we prepare for another visioning process.  What will it be called?  I don’t know yet, but this I know…

“… it is God Who works in you, both to will and to work for His good pleasure” (Phil 2:13)

God bless, Pastor Hartwig