Memorial Day and Pentecost

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Memorial Day is not just the end of school and start of summer,
On it, we honor those who have given their lives in the line of duty.
Who have fought and died for our safety and freedom.
On it, we remember the work that our soldiers have put in,
What their duties and responsibilities are as they serve.
It’s a day to remember how and why they serve.

And this year, leading up to Memorial Day,
we had two church Holy-Days honoring the work of God.

On Trinity Sunday, we remember and honor our triune God.
The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit: Three persons with their own work,
Yet at the same time are one God, acting for our salvation.
Three in one – Tri-une. That is who our God is.

And this is the work of our triune God –
that we receive forgiveness of sins, salvation, and life everlasting.
The Father begins our salvation and sets all in motion.
The Son earns for us salvation and pays the price of sin.
The Holy Spirit gives us the gifts earned by the Son through faith.

And on Pentecost, we honor and remember the work of the Holy Spirit,
Both on that day:
How the tongues of flame appeared on the apostle’s heads,
How they spoke, and all could understand in their own language,
How faith was stirred up in 3000 people that day.
And in our lives today:
How faith is stirred up and created in us,
How we are comforted in our distress,
How we are given the words to spread the Gospel.

Throughout this season of Pentecost,
Let us remember and honor the work of the Holy Spirit,
Who creates faith in us and gives us the great gifts –
of forgiveness of sins, salvation, and life everlasting. Amen.

In Christ,
Vicar Boester