How many?

Dear Christian Friends:

How many stars are there in the sky? Who can count them? Yet God created and knows each of them.

How many different kinds of animals in the forests and deserts and oceans?
We have not come to the end of discovering them all, but God has created each one in its unique way.

Nor has God been less meticulous with us, for, even though all humans have the same body structure, a face with nose, eyes, and mouth, and all our various parts, yet each of us is uniquely different from another.

Not only has God created each of us, He knows us intimately and cares about every facet of our lives and activities. David, the psalmist, wrote about this characteristic of God in Psalm 139:
“0 Lord, You have searched me and You know me. You know when I sit
  and when I rise; You perceive my thoughts from afar. You discern my
  going out and my lying down; You are familiar with all my ways”
(Psalm 139:1-3).

Here is really something to be thankful for!
The Creator of the universe cares so much about you that He searches your heart and mind in order that He might know you! We talk about our need and desire to know God; have you ever thanked Him that He wants to know you?

Are you thankful that you can never get away from God?
That He knows when you sit, when you stand,when you go somewhere, and even when you lie down to go to sleep at night?

Like the three-year old who stamps her little foot in defiance when her parents make her go to bed when she needs rest and like the rebellious teen who believes his parents are out to control him, we do not always recognize that all God gives us and does for us and, yes, even demands of us, is for our good because He loves us.

Sometimes we, too, stamp our feet and shout at God in defiance, while we should be thanking Him for His presence. Sometime we, too, are like the rebellious teen who believes that God is out to control us, yet we should be thanking Him for His constant care, for His love that will not let go of us. Tenderly He forgives our waywardness, restoring us again to His presence, giving us ever more cause for gratitude.  And all of this is done through His precious Word and Sacraments.

In the love of Christ, Pastor Hartwig