Greetings in the name of Christ, Our Redeemer!

God’s Word, over and over, tells us to be not afraid.  The Prophet Isaiah speaks God’s Word:
“Fear not, for I am with you always.  Be not dismayed, I am your God.  I will help you, strengthen you and uphold you with My righteous right hand!” (Isaiah 41:10)

With God, the command to “fear not” is always followed with a promise! So, with confidence in our God, we trust in Him to be with us during all times and all circumstances.  That means that during this uncertain time with the coronavirus, we put our trust in God, as well as being proactive in making decisions.

Our Redeemer leadership and staff are monitoring the COVID-19 developments and do not want to be hasty in making decisions. Here are the decisions we have made:

WE WILL SUSPEND THE GREETING BEFORE WORSHIP. During the season of Lent we follow Divine Service Setting 3.  Also during this time, we begin with opening sentences instead of an opening hymn.  These sentences echo King David in Psalm 51 where we cry out to God to forgive and cleanse us from our sins. These sentences are followed by confession and absolution.

It is a somber tone, and a perfect way to begin a Lenten service.  Because we begin with sentences, for years we have forgone the greeting and shaking of hands that follows the Pastor’s welcome and precedes the opening hymn.  Logistically it has been easier to move from welcome to opening sentences.  We will continue this practice.

WE WILL OMIT THE SHARING OF THE PEACE. It has been decided that during this unprecedented time we are suspending the offering of the peace that comes before the Lord’s Supper.

BOTH PASTOR AND VICAR WILL STILL GREET. We will greet members and guests as we leave worship.  Yes, we are shaking hands. We are not offended if you do not want to shake our hands, and we ask that if you are sick and not feeling well to withhold your handshake. It would be even better if you stay at home if you are not feeling well.

STAY HOME IF YOU ARE SICK. This is always a good practice, but especially now be vigilant and stay home.  The Lord will understand if you are home sick. If you are at home, please listen to an online sermon.  Over a decade of sermons are stored on our website: We are working on creating a YouTube Channel so you can watch an entire worship service.  More to come!

OFFERING PLATE. When you arrive at church, the offering plates will be near the usher stands.  Please give your offering before worship. If you forget, you will have an opportunity to put the money in the offering plate in the Narthex.  The offering plates will not be passed. However, the usher will still bring the plates forward for the acolytes to place the offering plates on the altar.  Obviously, our need for offerings and ongoing support to operate our ministry continues.

For this weekend and next week, all events on our calendar remain.  At this time, we are not canceling LWML, Midweek meals, Bible Studies, or any event on our church calendar between now and March 19th.  There are no confirmation classes because this is ICCSD Spring Break Week.

We are watching the Iowa Department of Public Health (IDPH) and awaiting the decision of the Iowa City Community School District (ICCSD) to determine next steps.  We expect a decision from the ICCSD on March 19th.  This decision will guide Our Redeemer Leadership and Staff in determining what will be done with Bible study, Sunday School, all classes and events. Watch for additional emails and check our website for updates.

We look forward to seeing you in worship this weekend, if you are able to attend. God’s grace, mercy, and peace covers you.

God’s Word is performative.  That means it does what it says.  So hear this blessing and know that God is at work in your lives.

The Lord bless you and keep you.
The Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
The Lord lift his countenance upon you and give you peace. Amen. Amen. Amen!

Pastor Hartwig