The Word

Trust Does Powerful Things

Dear Christian friends: Here comes February and St. Valentine’s Day and the world’s focus on love. It can be said that love is the foundation. It is the foundation for a relationship and trust is the way to keep that relationship straight and true. To love Christ is to trust… Read More»

New Beginnings

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ — Jesus is born! Let us rejoice! It is truly a blessing for us to be able to come together and worship our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, with one another.  We’re coming to the end of our Christmas and New Year celebrations and… Read More»

“Be Watchful! Be Alert

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Advent is a season of preparation, and the Scriptures emphasize our need to prepare for the Lord’s coming. “Be watchful! Be Alert!”  You do not know when the time will come (Mark 13:33). Today we are consoled, as were the people of Israel during… Read More»

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ — It is truly a blessing that we get to come together in worship to receive the wonderful gifts of God. We receive forgiveness, salvation, and life everlasting through Jesus’s life, death, and resurrection. As we move into November the leaves finish turning color… Read More»

Five General Forms of Liturgical Prayers

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ — What a blessing it is that we can gather together each week for worship, for the Divine Service, where God comes to us, to offer to us His precious gifts of grace and mercy and peace. During the Divine Service, either before or… Read More»

The Bottom of the Sea

On Day 4 of the LCMS Youth Gathering we visited the “Ocean Star Offshore Drilling Rig and Museum” and learned about the Gulf Coast oil industry. On Day 87 of the Gulf oil spill, tar balls, tar mats and a light sheen continue to be reported washing ashore on once… Read More»


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, I write this as packing the house begins to subtly turn from top-priority to impending emergency. My wife has expressed that maybe we could just throw all of our stuff away instead and buy everything anew when we get back down to the seminary.… Read More»

There is a time.

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ, I’m reminded of all the journeying to and fro that comes with summertime. People going on vacation, college students coming and leaving, teachers emptying their classrooms. Even the upcoming change for my family as we return to the Seminary. This summer I am reminded… Read More»

Where are you looking?

Grace, mercy, and peace unto you – WHERE ARE YOU LOOKING? Imagine the faithful women going to the tomb after that saddest of all days when Jesus was crucified. It’s very early in the morning, the Gospel writer Mark tells us, when they begin their walk with their spices to… Read More»

It’s the End of the World as We Know It

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, It’s the End of the World as We Know it I wouldn’t classify myself as a fan of music from the 1980’s but this song by R.E.M. came to mind. The continual refrain goes “It’s the end of the world as we know it”… Read More»