The Word

Good Stewardship Begins with Thanksgiving

What is the first task of the Christian steward? It is this time of year that I preach a three-part sermon series on Stewardship. Every year I emphasize that stewardship is time, talent, and treasure, but what is the first task of Christian stewardship? Could it be to give thanks?… Read More»

Make a Joyful Noise Unto the Lord!

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Thanks be to God for such a great month at Our Redeemer Lutheran Church! Thank you to the congregation for being a part of my learning journey! Thank you for the wide array of gifts upon our arrival! Thank you to the congregation for… Read More»

An Old African Proverb

An Old African Proverb says, “If you want to go fast, walk alone. If you want to go far, walk with others.” Which means you must move slowly. In 2012 we embarked on the Vision 20/20 journey. Committees for zones or regions of our church property were formed. Due to… Read More»

Being God’s Stewards

After the Israelites left Egypt, they were led through the desert for many years. There isn’t a lot of food in a desert, you know, and they got hungry. Then the complaining started. “Why did we ever leave Egypt?” they grumbled. “We had all kinds of good things to eat… Read More»

May 2015 Ascension Day

Dear Christian Friends: Ascension Day – an often overlooked Christian holiday is coming – Thursday, May 14, 2015. Then Jesus took them out to a remote area, blessed them, and “was taken up into Heaven” (Luke 24:51) before their eyes. Joyfully they went back home and waited – waited for… Read More»

Presence of the Lord

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Throughout Scripture, everyone who has come into the presence of the Lord has been in awe of Him and has adored Him. Think of Moses and the burning bush. Quietly watching over his father-in-law’s sheep, Moses saw a bush on fire but not being… Read More»

Thanksgiving is Coming!

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ! Thanksgiving is coming! At my house, before the turkey and the mashed potatoes and the green bean casserole and the stuffing – can’t forget the stuffing – we have a tradition of sharing one-by-one what we are thankful for in our Thanksgiving devotion. Each… Read More»