Are You Using the Snow Excuse?

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

Winter is finally here! We were blessed for a while with a mild December, and for a week or two in January, I was beginning to feel like Spring was already around the corner! Everyone was waiting for the real winter to hit. Some, like my son, were looking forward to snow with the anticipation of sledding, snowmen, and snowball fights. Others were dreading the onslaught of shoveling snow, scraping off windshields, and shivery commutes.

My son loves going out to play in the snow, but I look out the window and think about how cold it will be and how much work it is to get on snow pants, coats, boots, gloves and hats. But because I want my son to play in the snow like I did when I was his age, we get our snow gear on and head outside. At first it really does feel terrible and cold, and I think to myself, “how long do we have to be out here?” But then we get the sled out and start making a path down the hill. We throw snowballs and build snowmen. Before I know it, I’m having just as much fun as my son, and we’re both trying to see how far we can sled into the church parking lot behind the house. I just need to remember how much I loved playing in the snow.

Before I decided to go to seminary, I felt the same way about church as I do now about snow. At first glance it seemed like a lot of work: getting everyone up early, getting dressed in Sunday clothes, and driving quickly to church to get there on time (we were almost never on time). The idea of going to church also made me feel guilty for neglecting my Christian walk throughout the week. Getting out the door on Sunday morning was often stressful, especially if we had already missed a week or two.

But then we got to church (five or ten minutes late) and somewhere between the Confession and Absolution, the sermon, and the Lord’s Supper, God reminded me of how important it is to make the time to hear His Word and His promise of forgiveness in Jesus. On those weeks, I could feel the hardness of my heart melting away. Those days when I especially wanted to stay home in my warm house and enjoy a book or a movie were the times I needed to hear God’s Word most of all.

So this February as you continue to deal with the cold and the snow and it may seem so much easier to just stay home for the weekend, I encourage you to put in the effort to come and hear God’s Word for you, to come and receive the blessing of Jesus’ body and blood in the Sacrament, and to find fellowship with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Just like going out and playing in the snow reminds me of how much fun snow is, coming to church and participating in the divine service reminds us of how great and gracious our God is.


Vicar Otterman