The Wonderful Season of Fall

Dear Christian Friends:

As we move into the wonderful season of fall, we get to see the immense beauty of this creation which, even in its fallen state, still has incredible depth of color and life.  As Psalm 19:1 reminds us, “The heavens declare the glory of God, the sky above proclaims His handiwork.”  For me, this time of year makes that even more apparent.  It is the season for leaf piles, apple cider, corn mazes, and bonfires, but it is also a season for preparation.

In older generations, the preparation of fall was essential.  Winters are dark and harsh.  Prior to the modern convenience of heaters, stocked grocery stores, and modern insulation, winters were a time where a lack of preparation could result in death.  We can praise God that winters no longer pose as serious a threat for us as they have in the past.  What about Spiritual winters, though?  Times where we feel trapped in darkness.  We feel isolated, lonely, in grief, guilt, or shame? How do we prepare for the winters when we have to constantly ask our soul “why are you downcast, oh my soul? And why are you in turmoil within me?” (Psalm 42:5).

St. Paul refers to these times as times of wrestling against this present darkness and that of the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12).  The remedy? We must put on the full armor of God.  Just like a knight does not wait until the heat of battle to don his armor, we too must don our armor before the winter comes upon us.  How do we do this? Consider the armor we are to wear:

Fastening the belt of truth: God’s word is truth (John 17:17), thus we must immerse ourselves in the truth of the Gospel by regular participation in the sacraments, worship, and fellowship with other Christians.  We receive God’s truths in our fellowship around His altar every Sunday, and when we come together to study His word throughout the week.

Breastplate of Righteousness: Our righteousness is given to us by God (Romans 1:17).  This righteousness then pours through our lives as a we walk according to the calling by which we have been called.  Thus, to fasten on this breastplate is to obey the will of God for our lives, joyfully, across the vocations He has placed us in.

Shoes of the Gospel: We are called to always be prepared to give an account for the hope we have in Christ (1 Peter 3:15-17).  This comes with studying and knowing the word of God and living in the Hope He brings us.

Shield, Sword, and Helmet: These tools go hand in hand (pun intended), as our faith stems from our salvation received by Christ which comes to us through the Word and is refined through prayer.  We must develop an active prayer life and confidence in God’s work during the times of preparation, so when the fiery trials come upon us, we will already be equipped for battle with the whole armor of God.

It is my prayer that you take the time to enjoy this beautiful season both physically and spiritually.  May the changing of the leaves and the tart and sweet taste of apple cider remind you of your faithful preparation and help you fix your eyes upon the cross of Christ.

In the love of Christ, Vicar Simmons