Giving Gifts and Giving Thanks

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ —

As you read this letter, Kara and I will be celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary.  By plane, ship, or automobile we will be traveling to and from the Western Caribbean.  This trip and adventure is our special 25th Anniversary gift to each other.  As I prepare for this journey, I have reflected upon our 25 years of marriage.  Eleven of them have been here at Our Redeemer.

During the years, I have not always appreciated the gift of my wife.  This might sound scandalous to some, but the reality is, none of us have always appreciated our spouses, children, family and friends – all the time.  Yet, God has given us the responsibility and the joy to love them.

Mary, the sister of Martha and Lazarus, demonstrated a great love. Her love was for Jesus. “Mary therefore took a pound of expensive ointment made from pure nard, and anointed the feet of Jesus and wiped His feet with her hair” (John 12:3).

Whose heart is not softened by the mental image these words produce — and the conscience pricked as well, for which of us is willing to sacrifice as much as Mary did?

Her gift was a gift of pure love. She didn’t understand Christ’s sacrifice on Calvary. How could she, for it had not yet occurred! She loved her Lord even before she knew He would give His life for her.

We, on the other hand, have as much or even greater reason to offer gifts — extravagant gifts — to our Savior. Sadly, at times we are instead too much like Judas, holding back from the Lord, even stealing from the Lord, as we attempt to hide our greed and selfishness behind reasonable excuses for not giving our all to our Savior Who gave His all for us.

Let us pray with the psalmist, “Make me to know Your ways, O Lord, teach me Your paths; lead me in Your truth and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You I wait all the day long” (Psalm 25:4-5).   Let us confess our sins and be strengthened in His forgiveness.

Then, without reservation, we will with thanks give our gifts, ordinary and extravagant, in worship of our Savior. We will give those gifts of love to Him and we will give the gift of love to our spouses, children, family and friends.

Thank you for the well wishes for our Anniversary celebration.  We will see you soon.

Bon voyage!

Pastor Hartwig