O come, O come, Emmanuel!
We are now entering the Advent season, which is the beginning of the Christian church year. During Advent, Christians wait and sing with joy and anticipation of Emmanuel’s (“God with us”) second coming as judge of the world on the Last Day.
Throughout the Advent season, we celebrate Jesus Christ’s first coming with His Incarnation in Bethlehem. At the same time, Christians throughout the world are waiting with anticipation of Jesus Christ’s second coming.
Prepare the royal highway; the King of kings is near! Let every hill and valley a level road appear! Then greet the King of Glory foretold in sacred story: Hosanna to the Lord, for He fulfills God’s Word! (LSB 343, v. 1)
Advent is a time of pure joy and prepares us for the four advents or comings of our Lord: the prophetic coming that pointed to Christ’s birth, the incarnate coming of Christ in Bethlehem, the sacramental coming of Christ in Word and Sacraments, and the eschatological coming (Second Coming) of Christ at the end of the world. These four advents are celebrated each week with the lighting of the Advent wreath.
The King shall come when morning dawns and light and beauty brings. Hail, Christ the Lord! Your people pray; Come quickly, King of kings! (LSB 348, v. 4)
As you are reading this, you have probably begun hearing Christmas music being played on the radio in your car or over the speakers at a department store. This is a great season of hope and joy. But for some reason, the day after Christmas all this joy suddenly comes to a halt. The joy should continue through the season of Christmas, which begins on December 25 and not immediately after Santa makes his way through the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade route. December 25 is just the beginning of the celebration of Christ’s Incarnation in Bethlehem. We should continue celebrating Christ’s Incarnation during the 12 days of Christmas, then through the season of Epiphany and throughout the entire year. At the same time, we can’t overlook what that baby Jesus did for us as an adult upon the Cross at Calvary and Resurrecting from the dead on that Easter morning. He alone gives us the grace of God through His death and resurrection that is beyond all understanding, which is forgiveness, life and salvation!
Hark the glad sound! The Savior comes, The Savior promised long; Let every heart prepare a throne and every voice a song. (LSB 349, v. 1)
Alleluia! Christ is Incarnate! Alleluia! Christ is Risen!
Happy Advent, Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Vicar Adelsen