The Word

Memorial Day and Pentecost

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Memorial Day is not just the end of school and start of summer, On it, we honor those who have given their lives in the line of duty. Who have fought and died for our safety and freedom. On it, we remember the work… Read More»

He is risen!

Dear Christian Friends: Jesus’ task was completed. He said so: “It is finished,” and “He bowed His head and gave up His spirit” (John 19:30). The body was taken down from the cross and buried. Didn’t everyone think it was all over? The Master was dead and buried. What else… Read More»

Christ is Risen!

CHRIST IS RISEN! HE IS RISEN INDEED! ALLELUIA! Easter – The Most Important Day of the Church Year. The Most Important Day in the Bible. The Most Important Day in God’s Story of Everything. Because at Easter, Our God took our sins upon Himself, Was crucified, died, and was buried, And… Read More»


Grace, mercy, and peace be unto you! As I write this letter, I am attending the LCMS conference called Best Practices for Ministry in Phoenix, Arizona. This conference gathers pastors, DCEs, teachers, and lay people to share best practices from their ministry with each other. While there, I reflected upon… Read More»

One Love

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, What is love? I know there are some of you that read that and immediately responded “Baby don’t hurt me,” but the question remains: What is love? The world says there is love for your family, love for your friends, love for your spouse,… Read More»

Have you made up your mind?

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: So have you made up your mind? Are you going to set a New Year’s resolution? Have you spent time sitting and pondering? Excellent ideas can come to people as they sit, think, and dream – what kind of house to buy or build,… Read More»


Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, “The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of our God will stand forever.” Isaiah 40:8. A time of preparation, A time of reflection, A time of waiting. Advent encompasses all of these. We are preparing for Christmas, looking at the prophecies of… Read More»

Jesus Commands

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ – Jesus, speaking to His disciples, said, “A new command I give to you, that you love one another…” (John 13:34). “A new command.” Yet it is an old one. It was Moses, way back in the book of Leviticus, directed by God to… Read More»

Miss the Season

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Things are moving quickly. School is in full swing, Summer has ended, and we are moving into Fall, and the Church Year draws to a close. Many love the changing of the leaves, the crisp morning air, the smell of pumpkins and apple cider.… Read More»

There is a “season”

Dear Christian Friends: Thanks to the Byrds, the words of Ecclesiastes 3 are familiar to much of the world: “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under Heaven.” Like it or not, fall is in season and summer is out of season! Some sighed with… Read More»